Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wonder Girls adventures : Fight (Part 2)

Kelly the private investigator knew she was in trouble. Caught in a bad situation while on assignment, she was now at the mersy of three armed thugs. At the moment all they had her doing was undressing. But there was no doubt in her mind that things could only get worse.

She knew what the men wanted. Perhaps she could use that to her adantage.
She kicked off her skirt, revealing her sexy body. She showed off her beautiful curves and gave her captors a smile. "Perhaps we could arange something to both our likings?" she suggested.

"HAHAHA!!" roared the men," I am sure of it, though you might not like it."

The men approached and siezed Kelly by the arms.
"Let go of me!" protested Kelly.

"We can either do it the easy way, or we can do it the hard way." warned the thug "Which one would you prefer?"

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